Shipping & Transportation

  • Shipping & Transportation

    TMM India supplies products or goods in stipulated time as discussed with the client. Our process is well equiped with all the facilities to smoothly supply the consignment within the time frame.

    Shiping and transportation cost is not included in the product cost, Since the cost of transportation is varying TMM India does its best to provide transportation which is within the limits and does not have much impact on the overall cost of the product.


    General terms and conditions

    Minimum Order Quantity: The minium order quality should not be less then 25 tons (one container).

    Transportation:The cost of transportation is to be borne by the client. The cost of transportation is not included in the product cost and has to be billed seperatly as per the transporters requirement.

    Payment: Payment of transportation cost has to be paid by the client at the time of delivery directly to the transporter.

    Export: For shippments the cost of the shippment will depend upon the clients requirement for shippment cost. Usually all our cost for exports includes FOB prices. Clients are required to discuss the shippment cost before finalization of the order. Cost of shippment will be included in the bills to be paid by the client upon confirmation or finalization of the order to be processed.


    Contact us for product inquiry.

    Contact us at for more details and product inquiry or call us at +918619061727